Happy Baby


We spent the weekend in LA to visit our friends C&T who are expecting their first baby – a little girl to be named Madeleine….probably. 35 or so of their closest friends gathered at Maggiano’s for an Italian feast, with a special gluten-free pasta dish for mommy. And who can visit LA and not run into someone at least semi-famous. Our celebrity was Justin from Brothers and Sisters….I don’t even know his real name! I was very excited that our hotel was so close to Hollywood because that meant that we could have dinner in Thai Town. After ordering way too much food and Ruen Pair, which included barbeque pork, papaya salad, basil chicken and pad see eew, we were in for a real treat – Thai desserts! B ordered sticky rice with banana grilled in a banana leaf. I ordered kaya filled buns. We also took home so home-made curry paste. I’m hoping that it will be yummy! Sunday was spent at Universal Studios. I haven’t been there since 1994! A lot has changed considering that they try to keep up with the times. Highlights included the Simpsons virtual roller coaster and the King Kong portion of the Studio Tour. I was too chicken to go on the Mummy and Jurassic Park, but next time, I think I’ll do it. I think 1 trip to the House of Horrors was enough for me. Being attacked once by a walking Chucky figurine with a knife in his hands is enough for me. Best part was the minimal lines due to the drizzly weather. After perusing one of the Asian markets and picking up dried shitakes, a steaming rack/pan, dinner was spent in Westminster at Saigon Restaurant trying the northern style bun, something B has never had. It was a very nice weekend. It was great seeing old friends, eating yummy food and discovering a new part of LA

Fried tofu with shitake mushroms and spinach


I’m really excited about adding this dish to my dinner rotation, very light and simple. And I just learned that mushrooms are high in protein! Next time, I’ll add a little more saltiness as soy sauce or salt and perhaps boil off the mushroom soaking liquid to add more intense mushroom flavor. A little ginger and garlic would also add a lot to the dish

1 package of firm tofu
minced garlic
grated ginger
a handful of dried shitake mushroom, soaked in warm water
oyster sauce, soy sauce and salt to taste
pich of sugar
white pepper

Cube tofu into chunky pieces (about 18 pieces). Pat dry with paper towels.
In a small pot, reduce mushroom soaking liquid to about half
Add a good amount of oil to the pan, set on high
Fry tofu on all sides till slightly brown. Remove from pan.
Sautee spinach with garlic and put on sering dish.
Remove excess oil from pan and add garlic and ginger till softened slightly, then add mushrooms.
Add mushroom stock, oyster sauce, sugar, white pepper and soy sauce to taste. Thicken sauce with cornstarch.
Add tofu back to pan and stir to combine.
Pour on top of spinach

Shrimp and Scallop Spaghetti


Boil water for spaghetti
De-shell srimp and boil shells in water to make stock
Sautee shrimp and set side
Jarred marinara sauce with additional garlic, shrimp stock, parsley olive oil and red chili flakes, let simmer will pasta is done
When spaghetti is ready, sear the scallops

Combine sauce and pasta, adding more shrimp stock to loosen sauce. Top with shrimp and scallops. Garnish with parsley and parmesan

in sickness and in health


Two weekends ago, our friends from LA came to visit for the weekend to celebrate a birthday and a year of survival. It had been a very difficult year for the couple, with P battling cancer at the young age of 35. It was very touching to hear her toast her devoted husband who had supported her through her illness. He had abided by his vow to love her and support her in sickness and in health. She was thankful for her friends and let us know that they would be there for us through thick and thin, understanding how difficult life can be. She broke down in tears when they brought her birthday cake with the candles lit, reminded that she may not have lived to this birthday had she succumbed to her disease.
P’s profession of gratitude and thanks to D really was a fine example of how strong love in a marriage can be. P and D’s love was tested, P’s mortality challenged, and I think it made them stronger in the end. Although it was the first time really spending time with P, she put life back into perspective, highlighting that family and loved ones are the center of happiness. She inspired me to reflect on the the vows I made to B, and I am more thankful for everything that I have.

One big family


This past week, my parents came to visit. We spent the week eating around town, and as always, with plenty of wine. We visited some of our regular places we visit when ever my parents are here: Roy’s and Chin’s. We introduced them one of our new neighborhood favorites, Pomodoro. We also tried a place new to all of us, Flavor.

Despite eating out almost every night, we did enjoy a home cooked meal made by yours truly. While shopping at Costco, B picked out a very nice package of boneless short ribs. It was so sweet that he is starting to ask for some of my dishes! So on my parent’s firt night in town, we had spinach salad, braised short ribs with papardelle and red velvet cake!

Braised Short Ribs and Papardelle


Made this for the family when my parents were in town. Boneless ribs have less fat, but doesn’t add the gelatin that the bones provide, but I don’t really miss it. Alow plenty of time to slow cook and to cool sauce to skim the fat. I love the mushroom flavor which is intensified by browning the mushrooms separately and adding to the dish at the end.

Short Ribs:
2.5 lbs boneless short ribs
1 bottle red wine
3-4 carrots, in 1.5 inch chunks
3 shallots, sliced
1 large onion diced
3 leeks, thinly sliced
5 sprigs parley
fresh thyme
2 bay leaves
3 cloves garlic, smashed
1/2 tsp peppercorns (in cheesecloth if possible)
few cups of beef stock
0.5 lb mushrooms

Remove short ribs from fridge and season with salt and pepper. Let stand
Combine wine with all of the vegetable and seasoning except the mushrooms. Simmer until reduced to about 1 cup.

Right before browning, coat short ribs with flour. Brown in a separate pan on all sides. Add to the wine reduction. Add additional stock, salt and pepper.

Place in 350 degree over for about 3 hours, partially uncovered, till meat if fork tender. Let cool, then skim fat from top.

Using the pan used to brown the meat, sautee the mushrooms and set aside.

Prior to serving, bring sauce to a simmer and boil the papardelle. Combine pasta and sauce into pan used to brown meat and musrooms. Top with parsley and parmesan.