in sickness and in health


Two weekends ago, our friends from LA came to visit for the weekend to celebrate a birthday and a year of survival. It had been a very difficult year for the couple, with P battling cancer at the young age of 35. It was very touching to hear her toast her devoted husband who had supported her through her illness. He had abided by his vow to love her and support her in sickness and in health. She was thankful for her friends and let us know that they would be there for us through thick and thin, understanding how difficult life can be. She broke down in tears when they brought her birthday cake with the candles lit, reminded that she may not have lived to this birthday had she succumbed to her disease.
P’s profession of gratitude and thanks to D really was a fine example of how strong love in a marriage can be. P and D’s love was tested, P’s mortality challenged, and I think it made them stronger in the end. Although it was the first time really spending time with P, she put life back into perspective, highlighting that family and loved ones are the center of happiness. She inspired me to reflect on the the vows I made to B, and I am more thankful for everything that I have.

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