Baby Preview


My friend is recovering from shoulder surgery and needed some help looking after his very adorable 9 month old son while his wife was away for a few hours. I happily agreed since the last time I hung out with his little one he was such a delight! One look at his big round eyes, and anybody would agree that he was worth a few hours of your weekend. I walked in to see to my suprise and baby who was much bigger than the last time I saw him. He was sitting up be himself in his highchair eating organic cereal one at a time with his hands. We took him out for a walk on the beach with his cool high tech stroller while he napped. He was just an angel during my whole stay. And just too cute! It was so fun wathing him trying to crawl…he would sit up, see something he likes just a bit over arm’s-length away, and contemplate whether he should go for it. He would bend over and reach, but never really got on all fours….maybe another day. I also chenged by first diaper after a very messy jumpie incident. The poo smeared all over his back! Although it was fun taking care of little A, it took 2 little mishaps for me to realize how dependent babies are. The 1st close call was when he was left unstrapped from his stroller. He started sliding down before I reach under the tabe to grab him as J caught him from above. The other was when he started coughing and choking on a little cereal puff. No biggie, he coughed it out, but still! They are such a huge responsibility, but from an outsider’s viewpoint, seems like it’s worth all the stress and worry 🙂

In Memory Of


Last weekend, my in-laws stayed overnight for the first time. They usually stay with my brother-in-law, but since he was in Vegas celebrating his wife’s 30th birthday with Celine Dion, mom and dad stayed with us instead. They were in town to pay respects to their loved-ones who have passed away on the day marked as a sort of Chinese Memorial Day. We visitied the cemetery where B’s paternal grandparents rest next to each other. His uncle and great-uncle are also there. There were several other families who seemed to be celebrating the lives of theor family members, with picnics happy talk. As a part of the ritual, food is offered, flowers are site at the grave site, and papers representing fabric and money are burned as an offering to help provide a comfortable afterlife. I’ve only met B’s grandmother who died at the age of 89. She outlived her husband almost 20 years. She was a very sweet tiny little thing. She was very healthy and independent up until she suddenly got tired and ill. I will always remember her cute bob haircut, the beanie she would wear whenever the air conditioning was on, and her comment that there were a lot of black people on TV when we were watching an NBA game. B has shared stories of his childhood that she told him: how very talkative and friendly he was when he was very young. He wouldn’t hesitate visiting the neighbors or going to the local markets to pick out his favorite food,crab…and taking it home…on grandma’s credit! And she was the only member of the family who remembered B’s real birthday! In memory of those who are watching over us now….