banana pancakes


I decided to try making pancakes from scratch today to see if I could tell the difference between homemade and the boxed stuff. I found multiple references to Cook’s Illustrated, so I went with their ‘light and fluffy pancake’ recipe. I had 2 very ripe bananas sitting in our fruit basket, so I mashed them up and added them to the batter as well.

The pancakes were actually lighter looking and taller, but by adding the banana, I don’t think it made too much of a difference. I’ll have to try them plain to really taste the difference. But regardless, it was still an easy recipe that doesn’t take much more time than the mix.

1 c flour
1 T sugar
1/2 t baking powder *some reviewers felt that a little more would have made them lighter
1/4 t baking soda
1/2 t salt (wasn’t enough since banana was added)
3/4 buttermilk (I used soy milk with a bit of vinegar added)
1/4 milk to loosen the batter
2 T melted butter
1 egg. separated
2 bananas, mashed

Mix dry ingredients. Beat yolk into the butter and beat white till foamy and stiff.
Add buttermilk, banana and yolk mixture to the batter and stir lightly.
Fold in egg whites .

Add to griddle at about 375F

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