Chinese Steamed Egg with Garlic Oil

2017, cooking, family recipe

Silken egg

  • 3 eggs, well beaten
  • 100 mL water
  • 200 mL chicken broth
  • pinch of salt


  • Garlic oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Sugar
  • Green onion chopped

In a deep sauce pan, large enough to fit the dish (used rectangle 6 cup glass dish), boil about 2 inches of water.  Place the serving dish in the water to warm.

Combine the egg, water, chicken broth and salt in a measuring cup.  Carefully pour the egg mixture into the serving dish.

Cover with the lid.  Steam for about 6 minutes until set.  Make sure the water doesn’t splash into the eggs!

Combine a big scoop of garlic oil, about 2 tsp soy sauce and 1/2 tsp sugar.  Pour all over the top of the egg.  Sprinkle green onions over the top.  Serve immediately.


Crunchy Green Onion Pancakes

2017, cooking, family, family recipe, Uncategorized

I have memories of my mom making these on Saturday afternoons (she always slept in till about 11) after watching morning cartoons.  I loved the crispy tortilla, the salt and the fluffy egg.  They were my mom’s shortcut Chinese green onion pancakes using flour tortillas as a base and using only two other ingredients, egg and green onions.  Simple but so comforting.  I haven’t eaten these for years, but went back home to pick up little S from my parents’ house, where my mom made her delicious pancakes!

  • 4 flour tortillas
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 green onions, sliced

In an 8 inch pan, heat a good amount of oil on medium.  Fry the first side of the tortilla till slightly browned.  Flip over and crack on egg over the top.  Break up the yolk with chopsticks and spread the egg over the top.  Sprinkle green onions  Once the egg has set a bit, flip the tortilla over and continue to cook until the egg is done.  Sprinkle with salt.  Cut into wedges, like my mom used to.