Sherbert Punch

2021, celebrations, holidays

As the kiddos are older, I thought it would be fun to make them a special mocktail for the Thanksgiving festivities. I remember drinking a mixture of Sprite with Minute Maid fruit punch, and how much I loved it. I recently went to a baby shower where the host made a punchbowl full of a sherbert topped mocktail. It reminded me of backyard weddings I attended during my childhood in a small town. I couldn’t get all the ingredients together for the punch below, but thought I’d keep it for the future. The rainbow sherbert melted into this grey mess. Although the kids still loved it, I would use a one-flavor variety to avoid the color blending.


  • 1 liter Sprite, Squirt or Ginger ale
  • 1 liter club soda (or more to dampen the sweetness)
  • 6 oz frozen Minute Maid fruit punch
  • 6 oz frozen pineapple juice
  • Raspberry sherbert (add right before serving)
  • Garnish with fruit

Pumpkin Pie v 3

2020, celebrations, family

This issue I’ve struggled with using the Cook’s Illustrated pumpkin pie is a pie that wouldn’t set.  I found this version that uses the concepts that I liked (blooming the spices, making a warm custard, and using fresh dairy), while making a pie with better structure.  In the recipe, I actually amped up the spices which makes it a bit more festive.

INGREDIENTS – for 1 pie

  • In a small saucepan, heat the following ingredients to concentrate flavors:
  • 15 oz (small can) of pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup – optional
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp cloves
  • Pinch allspice

In a medium bowl, beat

  • 3/4 cup heavy cream, warmed
  • 1/4 cup whole milk, warmed
  • 2 whole eggs + 1 egg yolk

Slowly whisk the warmed milk mixture. Avoid adding air bubbles

Pour into a blind baked pie crust and bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes, then reduce to 350, baking for another 40-50 minutes until it is just jiggly in the middle

Turn off the oven and open the door just a crack to let the pie cool slowly. This helps reduce the cracking. Remove from oven when the pie is just above room temperature.

Gail’s Citrus Olive Oil Cake with Marscapone Whipped Cream Frosting

2020, baking, celebrations, friends, holidays

My friend brought over the absolutely stunning and delicious cake for CNY. Had to ask for the recipe. Although she used two different citrus infused olive oils and skin of home grown oranges, hopefully, the result will just as good with a light olive oil. I’ll just have to remember to do it during citrus season. This cake apparently sinks in the middle and get better with time, so could be make ahead of time. This makes one-layer. Double the recipe for a two layer cake.

  • 1 1/2 cups (195g) all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 3/4 cups (380g) sugar
  • 2 tsp orange zest
  • 2/3 cup fresh orange juice
  • 2/3 cup olive oil
  1. Butter a springform or 9-inch cake pan. If using a cake pan, line the bottom with greased parchment paper.
  2. Whisk together the dry ingredients
  3. With an electric mixer, beat the eggs, then gradually add the sugar, beating until thick and pale yellow. Beat in the orange zest till well combine
  4. In a measuring cup, combine the orange juice and oil.
  5. Add the dry ingredients and the oil to the egg mixture, alternating and in thirds.
  6. Bake at 375 degrees. Check after 30 minutes and cover if it’s browning too quickly. Should bake for about 50 minutes.
  7. Try opening the oven and leaving the cake in there to minimize the falling.
  8. Let cool and top with powdered sugar or the frosting below

Marscapone and Whipped Cream Frosting (for 1 layer)

  • 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 2-4 TBSP cup powdered sugar
  • 4 oz marcapone cheese
  • few TBSPs of citrus curd or jam
  • orange zest

Doctored TJ’s Cake Mix-Raspberry

2020, baking, celebrations, family

One box of vanilla cake mix probably would be been just enough to make a two-layer 6-inch cake. Made this cake for V’s first birthday cake. I was intrigued by this cake mix because the ingredient list is very similar to a homemade cake and not full of artificial ingredients and stabilizers. This would be great with fresh raspberries and whipped cream frosting

  • One box of TJ’s vanilla cake mix
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 1 bag of TJ’s freeze dried raspberries
  • 1/2 cup of whole milk raspberry or whole milk Greek yogurt or plain sour cream
  • 1 stick melted butter
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 2 eggs

  1. Pulse raspberries in a food processor to make a fine powder. Let soak in the milk.
  2. Beat in eggs, oil, butter and yogurt into the milk. Then add cake mix.
  3. Pour into pans and bake at 350 degrees until the center is done

Steamboat Dipping Sauce

celebrations, entertaining, family, family recipe, friends, holidays
Every family has their own expectations of what steamboat should be, right down to the name.  Mom always called it steamboat, but most people I know call it hot pot.  This past month, we had four hot pot meals with different families, including my own.  I came to realize and appreciate how each family had their own 'recipe' and method for hot pot.  
For me, the way steamboat should go is to start with plain water, although many others start with seasoned broth.  Add the meats and seafood in to start seasoning the broth.  We coat many of the meats with raw egg or soy sauce to enhance the broth.  
In regards to ingredients, my mom always hand-sliced all the meats, and although very popular among most other hot pot tables, we did not have the assortment of fish/meat balls, probably because we lived far from an Asian market.  Nowadays, we get the meat pre-sliced shabu-shabu style, and our feast also includes meat/fish balls.  Vegetables were almost an after thought in our house, but it was always napa cabbage.  My friend, though, searched multiple stores to find a particular vegetable that she considered to be the quintessential green for the occasion.  My family saved noodles for last to enjoy with the broth we made; a stone soup of sorts.  I have yet to see another family do that.  I recall eating glass noodles as a kid, perfect for a delicate broth, but now I enjoy wheat noodles.  Udon noodles also seem to be popular in other families.
Another highly contended variation is the dipping sauce.  Many people I know go to the trusty Taiwanese BBQ sauce, something I had never tasted until having hot pot with my in-laws.  It's delicious, but I still prefer what I grew up with, of course.  It is a variations of a family friend. He was a friend of my paternal grandfather, who I've seen as a  kid while visiting Bangkok in the early 90's.  It was quite well known from what I remember my mom telling me at the time.

Must haves at steamboat: Egg and soy sauce coated Chicken and Beef, Shrimp, Squid, Sliced Fish, Glass noodles, Napa cabbage, Tofu

Dipping Sauce:

  • Preserved tofu with chili
  • Lemon or Lime juice
  • Sugar
  • Cilantro
  • Garlic Oil (1 head of garlic, minced, then gently heated in about 3/4 cup of oil until golden brown. Be careful with the heat, it will continue cooking after the heat is removed)
  • Chili or chili sauce
  • Crushed peanuts
  • In a small saucepan, heat the tofu and stir, mashing the tofu into a paste.
  • Add sugar to taste.
  • Take off the heat and squeeze in lemon juice.
  • Add a little water to thin out the sauce.
  • Stir in chopped cilantro and chili.
  • Spoon on garlic oil. Top with crushed peanuts and more cilantro.

Vanilla and Chocolate Buttercream

2019, baking, celebrations, entertaining, family, friends

Found a great recipe for frosting to ice E’s third birthday cake. After I finished the cake, he changed his mind and didn’t want a cow cake anymore. Can’t win with toddlers!

Vanilla Buttercream

  • 1 cup softened butter
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/4 c heavy cream
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • Pinch of salt

Beat butter with the paddle attachment until light and fluffy.

Stop the mixer and add the remaining ingredients. Put the mixer on low until the sugar has moistened. Put the speed up to high and beat for 3-4 minutes, scraping the sides occasionally to ensure even texture.

Chocolate Buttercream

  • 1 cup butter
  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • 3/4 c cocoa powder
  • 1/4 c heavy cream
  • Pinch of salt

Follow the same steps as above

Earl Grey Shortbread

2018, celebrations, entertaining, family

Delicious and fragrant, light and crisp, these cookies don’t really impart a lot of tea flavor, but are a perfect pairing with a cup of tea. Made these for C’s baby shower. Can be made ahead of time and stored wrapped in parchment in the freezer of refrigerator. Yields 2 dozen cookies.

  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 TBSP Earl Grey tea
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 sticks (1 cup) butter, room temperature
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

In a food processor, pulse together the flour, tea and salt till the tea is well distributed.

Add the butter, powdered sugar and vanilla. Pulse until the dough forms

Form into a log and tightly wrap with plastic wrap. Chill for at least several hours.

Slice into 1/3″ slices and place on parchment-lined cookie sheet

Bake at 375 degrees X 12 minutes until golden on the edges

Orange Dream Jello Shots

2018, celebrations, entertaining

So yummy especially with the whipping cream!  I would buy extra oranges in case of tearing.  I let these sit in the wells of a muffin tin to prevent tilting

  • 3 oranges, cut in half, juiced and flesh removed (optional)
    • *Note that navel oranges did not work well.  The navel end has a tough inside that is not easily removed without creating a hole!
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 3/4 cup vodka
  • 1/4 cup triple sec
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • small box of orange Jello
  1. In a 4-cup measuring cup, combine the hot water and jello. Stir to dissolve
  2. Add the vodka, triple sec and heavy cream
  3. Pour into the halved, cored oranges
  4. Let chill for several hours
  5. Slice and serve!

90s French Bread Pizza

2018, celebrations, cooking, entertaining, family recipe

As I thought about my childhood in the 90s while planning for my 90’s-themed birthday party, I remembered the French Bread pizza mom would make with birthday parties as well as weekend lunches.  My mom said she got this recipe from a magazine back in the day.  So easy yet so tasty!  They were a hit at the party!

  • 1 loaf French Bread, cut in half horizontally
  • Mayonnaise
  • Shredded mozzarella cheese
  • Sliced mushrooms
  • Chopped green onion
  • Sweet Italian sausage removed from the casing
  1. Spread a generous amount of mayonnaise on each half of the French Bread
  2. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese
  3. Cover with sliced mushrooms
  4. Dot sausage around the loaf
  5. Sprinkle with green onions
  6. Bake in the over….maybe at 375 till the sausage is fully cooked

Peruvian Green Sauce

2018, celebrations, cooking

Inspired by:

This dip was introduced to me as a side sauce for chicken during a Whole 30 compliant potluck at my house.  Great as a veggie dip, I used this for a crudite platter for my 40th birthday party.

  • 1 bunch of cilantro, roughly chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 TBSP canola oil
  • 4 tsp mustard
  • 2 TBSP red wine vinegar or lime
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • pepper

Place in and run until smooth.  Adjust seasoning to taste.