my first decade of the millenium: recap

2000:  I ring in the millennium with a hometown friend and her future husband.  Everyone is checking to see if make sure that essential computers are indeed Y2K compatible.  Learned blackjack on first trip to Vegas being over 21.  I travel around interviewing up and down the coast for professional school and get accepted to my first choice school right across the Bay.  The last semester of college flies by and graduation is held on a record breaking high temperature day in May.  I travel to Thailand and Malaysia to visit family that summer.  I move to the City and met a whole new set of classmates.  I join a professional fraternity.  I get active in school leadership and an a cappella group.  I celebrate my birthday in Vegas.  I meet my future husband at the school bookstore.  I’m visiting my boyfriend across the bay every weekend.

2001:  I interview for my first ‘real’ job as a summer intern.  I visit Alcatraz for the first time.  I come home early from a camping trip after the terrible news hit that fateful September morning.  I continue to be active in student government.  I celebrate my birthday in New Orleans.  I start frequenting San Jose after my boyfriend gets a job there at Big Computer Company.  I get a MP3 CD player.

2002:  I travel to Thailand to see family and go to China for the first time.  I get my first camera phone.  I move back home for a summer internship.  I move into a house with 5 other girls.  Started exercising regularly since high school.

2003:  Spent New Year’s in Vegas.  Went trapezing for the first time.  Took first cooking class.  Went back to Chicago for the 1st time since I moved away.  I meet someone who I think had potential to be ‘the one’.  I start seeing patient in the hospital for the first time.  Had a sushi party for my birthday.

2004:  My boyfriend of 6 years and I ‘take a break’.  I sprain my ankle snowboarding.  I start interviewing for post-grad training programs.  I spend my first Valentine’s Day alone for the first time since 1998.  I teach my first class.  I start to enjoy the singles scene.  I graduate from professional school.  Lived alone for the first and only time.  Travelled to Australia.  Scuba dived for the first time.  I move to Southern California and continue to live the single life.  My car breaks down for the first time.  My parents celebrate their 30th anniversary.  Saw U2 in concert.  Made my first lasagna.  I have my first date with my future husband.  I purchase my 1st iPod.

2005:  I present at my first professional meeting.  I land my first real real job.  I buy my first place.  My future husband says he loves me.  Travel to NYC with my future husband.  See the Rolling Stones in concert.  Cruise through Europe with the family.

2006:  I visit my future in-laws for the 1st time.  I attend my first Laker’s Game.  I travelled to Boston where I had my first raw oyster from a street stand.  My future husband goes on his first family trip to Hawaii.  We go to Chicago and the Bay Area.  I try sea urchin for the 1st time (EEEW!)

2007:  Big fire hits San Diego.  My future husband and I get hooked on the TV show ‘LOST’ I travel to Malaysia to attend my first family wedding.  It is my first of 7 wedding I attend this year.  I enjoy my first spa experience in Thailand.  Future and husband and I have a blissful trip to Maui before heading to Oahu for a wedding

2008:  I get a promotion at work.  We take our first Utah snowboarding trip.  I travel to Thailand and China, I turn 30!

2009:  We start shopping and designing the ER.  We snowboard in Utah, Tahoe and Whistler.  We visit Vancouver.  We get engaged!  Visit a very cold Minnesota in June.  Travel to Yellowstone with good friends.  I find my wedding dress!  We start wedding preparations.

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