The Countdown Continues

celebrations, entertaining, family, travel

Four months from today marks the expected arrival of our little sweet pea (we’ve been calling her that for quite some time).  I have to say that the pregnancy was going very smoothly in the beginning.  No nausea or weird food cravings.  I had a few weeks of increased appetite that forced me to eat lunch at 10:30 every morning, but that has subsided.

The 8 week ultrasound revealed her little fingers and legs and a pretty clear side profile that mom and dad were excited to see.  She was situated with her head on my right side.

We revealed that we were pregnant to many of my friends on week 13 by hosting make-your-own grilled pizza and sundae party.  Some of our closer friends found out very early, including our friends who we saw at M&P’s wedding in August

By the 18th week ultrasound, sweet pea had done a 180 with her head on my left side.  It was at that ultrasound that we found out that we were going to be having a little girl (although it wasn’t that apparent to us based on the images).  B was right in that we were going to have a little girl.  He told me that day that he didn’t know anything about little girls since he had never lived with one.  I reassured him by saying that daddies have it easy with little girls.  They love their daddies and save the arguing for moms!

Towards the end of the first trimester, I wasn’t feeling tired, but I slept whenever I would lie down.  Regardless, I tried to stay active as much as I could, although I was easily winded.  I was very proud that I was able to conquer Angel’s Landing again, but this time 15 weeks pregnant.  Trekking upstream through The Narrows was also quite a feat with the extra weight.

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On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving week at week 20, I first felt sweet pea kick.  I was sitting at work when I suddenly felt 3 pokes on the left side of my belly.  I was certain that it was sweet pea!

Thanksgiving weekend was very special for B since it was the first time he felt her kick.  You could also see her poke out of my belly.  That was when B really started to talk to her, play music and even read her Paddington Bear, a book that her auntie bought her.

DSC_016520 weeks pregnant

The following weekend at week 22, I was awoken by sweet pea in the morning.  I was lying on my right side, and she was kicking my right side.  I rolled onto my back, and over the course of a few minutes, she kicked in the middle of my belly, then on he left side.  Later that morning, B could feel her making circles, and I could see her swirl around my belly button.

Later that same week, I started suffering from sciatica which limited my mobility.  I have started walking more gingerly since it hurt to step onto my right foot.  I’m hoping that as sweet pea moves, it will alleviate the pain.

I have enjoyed being pregnant and I feel like I’m already bonding with my little sweet pea.  I love curling in bed to spend quiet time with her when I can.  B and I are spending a lot of time together at home which I appreciate.  And as much as I am enjoying our time together as a couple, I am trying to patiently wait for the day I finally get to meet sweet pea face to face.

Summer Recap

celebrations, family, friends

The end of this summer was quite relaxing, mostly spent in sunny SD.  We had weeks of what seemed like record-breaking heat in August.  Now that it is officially fall, the weather has turned a bit to the cooler side.

August and September have been filled with time spent with family and friends.  We have tried to visit with our now 6 month old niece.  She is starting to recognize faces, so we are making sure that she doesn’t scream and cry in terror the next time we babysit her like she did the first time we watched her on her own.  Grandma and grandpa have also come down to see their little one grow like a weed.

My parents have also driven down for a long weekend, bringing garden fresh tomatoes and peaches!

We had a reunion of sorts when our friend from grad school got married.  Congratulations to M and P!  Old classmates as far as Ohio were in town, most of them toting a little one with them.

The most exciting part of the summer has been the anticipation of our very own bundle of joy due in April 2013!  We are enjoying our time together as a couple, realizing that this was our last summer of real freedom.  We spent this summer trying to get to know our town a little better.  We finally made it to our neighborhood Farmers Market, finally drove all the way to the end of the peninsula until we couldn’t drive anymore, found a new path along the beach we will likely frequent in the future, revisited Torrey Pines and Balboa Park and tried a few more neighborhood restaurants we never go around to going.  We have spent a good part of this year traveling near and far and visiting our families, and because of that we are finally ready to settle down and grow up a bit.  And even though we didn’t travel to an exotic land or experience a huge milestone this summer, I wouldn’t have traded our evening walks to the grocery store, dinners cooked at home or TV movie nights for anything!