caramel coconut banana cream pie



My sister’s boyfriend was so nice to invite us for dinner last weekend!  We dined on Sicilian-style pizza and fresh penne with tomato vodka sauce (so so good!)

I brought along this pie and a bottle of wine to his cute little wood plank walled ‘cabin’ just close enough to the ocean to be kissed by the coastal chill for most of the year.

I was a little nervous about making this pie.  It’s the first of its kind I have made.  I’d never made a graham cracker crust before, but was so so much easier than making a pastry crust (I’ve failed miserably with that!), making caramel from scratch and making a custard over the stove with dairy and eggs was a little intimidating.  Turns  out that the recipe is pretty forgiving, and although there are several components to this pie, all it takes is a little patience to ensure that all of the ingredients come together properly.

I chose to adapt my recipe from Cook’s Illustrated Recipe because they used coconut milk along with whole milk for the filling.  Not only would this provide more coconut flavor, but the pie will also have less dairy, which is good for my fairly lactose-intolerant sister.

I was pretty proud of my pie!  No lumps or scrambled eggs in the filling that I feared, not too sweet (I cut the sugar down from the original recipe), lots of coconut flavor and the crust stayed intact when I cut into it.

Modifications I would make the next time I make this with 2 layers of bananas, 2 layers deep (as reflected in the recipe).  I didn’t really care for the caramel on the bottom of the crust, as much as I think I would like chocolate sauce….so next, it will be chocolate!  I also ran across a almond graham cracker crust recipe that i may try next time….a chocolate coconut banana cream pie with almond graham cracker crust!



CRUST with ALMONDS (think almond joy!)
  • 1 cup slivered almonds, toasted
  • 1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) unsalted butter, melted


2/3 cups chocolate chips
2 tablespoons butter




1. For the crust: Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. In food processor, pulse graham crackers, coconut, and sugar to fine crumbs, process until powdery, about 5 seconds. Transfer crumbs to medium bowl and add butter; stir to combine until crumbs are evenly moistened. Empty crumbs into 9-inch glass pie plate; using bottom of 1/2 cup dry measuring cup, press crumbs evenly into bottom and up sides of pie plate. Bake until fragrant and medium brown, about 15 minutes, rotating pie shell halfway through baking time. Set on wire rack and cool to room temperature, about 30 minutes.


2. While crust cools, bring sugar and water to boil over high heat in small heavy-bottomed saucepan. Cook until dark amber, 5 to 8 minutes, occasionally swirling pan once sugar begins to color. Off heat, add heavy cream (caramel will bubble vigorously) and pinch salt; whisk to combine. Whisk in unsalted butter. Pour caramel into pie shell, tilting pie plate to coat evenly; set aside to cool.


4. For the filling: Bring coconut milk, whole milk, shredded coconut, 1/2 cup sugar, and salt to simmer over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally to ensure that sugar dissolves. Following illustrations 1 through 6, whisk yolks, cornstarch, and remaining 1 tablespoon sugar in medium bowl until thoroughly combined. Whisking constantly, gradually ladle about 1 cup hot milk mixture over yolk mixture; whisk well to combine. Whisking constantly, gradually add remaining milk mixture to yolk mixture in 3 or 4 additions; whisk well to combine. Return mixture to saucepan and cook until thickened and mixture reaches boil, whisking constantly, about 1 minute; filling must boil in order to fully thicken. (To determine whether filling has reached boil, stop whisking; large bubbles should quickly burst on surface.) Off heat, whisk in butter, vanilla, and rum until butter is fully incorporated.


  • 3. When caramel is cool, peel bananas; slice each crosswise into 3/8-inch-thick rounds. Arrange slices in 2 layers on top of caramel; set aside.


Pour half of the hot filling over the bananas and smooth surface with rubber spatula; add a second layer of banana, then spread remaining filling over the bananas; press plastic wrap directly against surface of filling and refrigerate until firm, at least 3 hours and up to 12 hours.

5. For the whipped cream: Just before serving, beat cream, sugar, and vanilla with electric mixer until soft peaks form, 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. Top pie with whipped cream and then sprinkle with coconut. Cut pie into wedges and serve.

banana pancakes


I decided to try making pancakes from scratch today to see if I could tell the difference between homemade and the boxed stuff. I found multiple references to Cook’s Illustrated, so I went with their ‘light and fluffy pancake’ recipe. I had 2 very ripe bananas sitting in our fruit basket, so I mashed them up and added them to the batter as well.

The pancakes were actually lighter looking and taller, but by adding the banana, I don’t think it made too much of a difference. I’ll have to try them plain to really taste the difference. But regardless, it was still an easy recipe that doesn’t take much more time than the mix.

1 c flour
1 T sugar
1/2 t baking powder *some reviewers felt that a little more would have made them lighter
1/4 t baking soda
1/2 t salt (wasn’t enough since banana was added)
3/4 buttermilk (I used soy milk with a bit of vinegar added)
1/4 milk to loosen the batter
2 T melted butter
1 egg. separated
2 bananas, mashed

Mix dry ingredients. Beat yolk into the butter and beat white till foamy and stiff.
Add buttermilk, banana and yolk mixture to the batter and stir lightly.
Fold in egg whites .

Add to griddle at about 375F