Vanilla and Chocolate Buttercream

2019, baking, celebrations, entertaining, family, friends

Found a great recipe for frosting to ice E’s third birthday cake. After I finished the cake, he changed his mind and didn’t want a cow cake anymore. Can’t win with toddlers!

Vanilla Buttercream

  • 1 cup softened butter
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/4 c heavy cream
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • Pinch of salt

Beat butter with the paddle attachment until light and fluffy.

Stop the mixer and add the remaining ingredients. Put the mixer on low until the sugar has moistened. Put the speed up to high and beat for 3-4 minutes, scraping the sides occasionally to ensure even texture.

Chocolate Buttercream

  • 1 cup butter
  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • 3/4 c cocoa powder
  • 1/4 c heavy cream
  • Pinch of salt

Follow the same steps as above

Carrot Pineapple Cake

2018, baking, celebrations, family

Made this for dad’s 71st birthday and is my favorite version to date.  I made this recipe in two 6-inch pans to make a small layer cake topped with cream cheese frosting.

From Ina Garten:

  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs, at room temperature
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, divided
  • 1 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoons baking soda
  • 3/4 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 pound carrots, grated
  • 1/2 cup crushed pineapple, drained

Beat the sugar, oil and eggs.  Add vanilla cinnamon, baking soda and salt

Spoon in flour and Beat till combined

Stir in carrots, raisins, walnuts and pineapple

Spoon into a buttered and lined 8 inch cake pan (double the recipe for a two layer cake) at 350 degrees for 50 minutes