Matt’s grandma’s Bran Muffins

2019, baking, family recipe

I love Matt’s story about his grandma baking these muffins for his grandpa for breakfast. He would have a muffin, and I believe a glass of water every morning. He lived a healthy and full life into his nineties.  Here’s the recipe’s in Matt’s words…

Here’s the bran muffin recipe.  It gets put together in 5 steps:
> 1.  Combine 1c All Bran Cereal and 1c boiling water (set aside)
> 2. Whisk together 1&1/3c sugar, 2 eggs, 1c canola oil
> 3.  Mix together 2.5c flour, 2.5 teaspoons baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt
> 4.  Mix everything together and then add 2c buttermilk and 3c All Bran Cereal (yes more All Bran – fibery 🙂
> 5.  Now cook at 350 degrees for 15min
> **Note – You can let the batter sit overnight.  It will last for up to 6wks in the fridge**