Juicy Burgers and Beer Boiled Brats

celebrations, entertaining, holidays

Brats were stepped up a notch this year on the 4th by boiling them first in beer.  It imparted a subtle favor and saved grill time since they were already cooked through.

Ingredients are simple:  brats and beer (I used Sam Adams Summer Ale)

Beer Boiled Brat

  1. Place 18 brats in stove-proof container.  I used a deep square casserole
  2. Pour about 1 bottle of beer and boil on the stove until the brats are done
  3. Finish off on the grill

Great Burgers

I found these tricks to produce a juicy patty.  This led to a patty that tasted like beef and was moist and juicy

  1. Use 80/20 ground beef for great flavor and moistness
  2. Take the beef out of the packages and gently loosen the meat with your hands.
  3. Grate about a tablespoon of fresh onion into the meat for each 1/3 pound patty and combine gently
  4. Add about a teaspoon of water for every 1/3 pound patty
  5. Gently form the patties.  Don’t squish or press too gently.  Make the patties about 3/4 inch wider than the bun.
  6. Make a slight indentation in the middle of the patty to prevent puffing
  7. Salt and pepper the tops of the patty no more than a few hours from grilling.  No need to salt and pepper prior to making the patties