Chinese Steamed Egg with Garlic Oil

2017, cooking, family recipe

Silken egg

  • 3 eggs, well beaten
  • 100 mL water
  • 200 mL chicken broth
  • pinch of salt


  • Garlic oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Sugar
  • Green onion chopped

In a deep sauce pan, large enough to fit the dish (used rectangle 6 cup glass dish), boil about 2 inches of water.  Place the serving dish in the water to warm.

Combine the egg, water, chicken broth and salt in a measuring cup.  Carefully pour the egg mixture into the serving dish.

Cover with the lid.  Steam for about 6 minutes until set.  Make sure the water doesn’t splash into the eggs!

Combine a big scoop of garlic oil, about 2 tsp soy sauce and 1/2 tsp sugar.  Pour all over the top of the egg.  Sprinkle green onions over the top.  Serve immediately.


No Knead Pizza Dough

2015, baking, cooking, dining

From Bon Appetit 2012 – The last time I made this for our Pumpkin Carving Party, I was able to make 6 small single serving pizzas from 1 recipe:

  • 3 3/4 cups (500 grams) all purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp dry yeast
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 cups water (room temp)

In a medium bowl, whisk the flour,  yeast and salt together.  Slowly stir in the water until the flour is well hydrated.

Using your hands, form a shaggy ball from the dough.

Cover the ball with oiled sheet of plastic wrap and let sit in a 72 degree room for 18 hours, until doubled in size

Portion out the dough, adding enough flour so that the dough is no longer sticky to the touch.  Let rest for 45 minutes or place in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for later use.  Once ready to use, remove from the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Shape out the dough and top with desired ingredients.

Place in a 550 oven on a greased pan or parchment paper for a few minutes till cheese is bubbly and browned on the edges.

Alternatively, place dough on a grill on medium heat.  Grill with the cover on till half-cooked. Place ingredients on the cooked side, then return to the grill, covered.

new cookbook on the shelf


I’m very excited for my new addition to my cookbook library, Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook:  2,000 Recipes from 20 Years of America’s Most Trusted Food Magazine.  It’s a collection of the pain-staking tested recipes featured in the magazine of the same namesake.  I’ve made some of their recipes I had from the recent subscription I had to the online site and year’s magazine subscription included last year’s Thanksgiving turkey which was a hit!  Looking forward for many more delicious meals thanks to Cook’s Illustrated.

One big family


This past week, my parents came to visit. We spent the week eating around town, and as always, with plenty of wine. We visited some of our regular places we visit when ever my parents are here: Roy’s and Chin’s. We introduced them one of our new neighborhood favorites, Pomodoro. We also tried a place new to all of us, Flavor.

Despite eating out almost every night, we did enjoy a home cooked meal made by yours truly. While shopping at Costco, B picked out a very nice package of boneless short ribs. It was so sweet that he is starting to ask for some of my dishes! So on my parent’s firt night in town, we had spinach salad, braised short ribs with papardelle and red velvet cake!

They say it’s your birthday!


Today is my B’s birthday, and we are having our siblings over for dinner to celebrate. I set the table for 6 for a night of Seafood Fair! I prepared a Crab Stack with Avocado and Mango, Seared Scallops and Salmon with Pomegranate Balsamic Glaze.

I didn’t have a whole lot of time to prepare and cook since I worked that day, so I thought seafood would be the way to go. No long marinating or cooking time! The first course was served around 8pm. Dinner was lively and I think that B had a good time.

Dessert was highly anticipated since I ordered Sprinkles cupcakes for dessert. This Beverly Hills phenomenon just arrived to our hometown maybe about a month or two ago. The lines are out the door UNLESS you order a dozen or more ahead. I took advantage of our big group and ordered 4 different flavors so that each couple would have 4 different flavors to share. The cupcakes were very cute, decorated with their signature modern designs, each flavor having its own design or color scheme. Everyone really liked the red velvets. The banana and carrot were also favorites.

Would I wait in line to pay over 3 dollars for these little bites of heaven? Hmmm, probably not. Although they are very tasty I would rather do something more useful with my time. And why wait over 30 minutes to eat something that you’ll finish in less than 5 minutes?!

What did I get B for his birthday? A Keurig single cup coffee maker that he has been using for the past 3 weeks. Why did he start using it so early, you may ask…well because I’m a terrible hider, and B found it when I asked him to help me put some things away in a closet! Luckily, he didn’t find the jacket I also got for him that was hiding in the other closet!