Chocolate Cake Mix Cupcakes and Chocolate Ganache


Moist, tangy and chocolaty cupcakes topped with luscious chocolate were a part of my ‘thank you’ cupcakes I brought into work before my maternity leave.  I coupled them with the strawberry dream cupcakes we made for my baby shower as well and banana muffins topped with vanilla pudding frosting.  Yum Yum Yum!  These cupcakes hold well in the fridge.

Yields 2 dozen cupcakes


1 box devil’s food cake cake mix

4 eggs, beaten

1 cup sour cream

1 package (3.4 oz) instant chocolate pudding

1 cup vegetable oil

2 tsp vanilla

1/2 cup strong coffee

For the ganache:

4 oz bittersweet chocolate

1/2 cup heavy cream


Combine all the cake ingredients and beat for a few minutes on medium until well combined.  The batter will be relatively thick and fluffy.

Fill each well of the muffin tin with 2 tablespoons of batter (about half way)

Bake at 350 degrees for about 18-23 minutes.  If making mini cupcakes, bake for about half the time.  You are going to end up with about 5 dozen mini cupcakes.

Allow cupcakes to cool slightly, then start the ganache.

To make the ganache:  Bring the heavy cream to a simmer and pour the hot cream over the chocolate in a small heat safe bowl.  Stir to melt the chocolate.

Take each cupcake and dip the tops into the ganache and allow to set for about 15 minutes.