Water Water Everywhere!


Very early this morning, I was awoken by a loud pattering sound outside of our bedroom door. It was too loud and too close to be the rain hitting against our windows. I got up, and I found B in our little office area with rain coming down from the ceiling. It was coming down at a rapid rate through the gaps in the recessed lighting as well as through the ceiling. the water had also seeped through the floor and through the downstairs ceiling. Right below that, luckily, was a pile of laundry on our leather couch that I was too lazy to bring up that night. Had the laundry not been there, the water may have damaged our new sofa too!

We were able to call our handyman who was at our house within a few hours. I got to stay home from work (a pleasant surprise) while he worked. Turns out that for some reason, a drainage pipe from our rooftop deck was sealed with concrete! The deck was built over 10 years ago, but we recently had our deck re-grouted and sealed, so now all of the water went down the three drains as it was designed to do. Except now, we discovered only 2 of the 3 drains had been working this whole time!

After the pipe was replaced and the carpets were cleaned (somewhat), it had taken about 8 hours. Luckily, the rain only came for about 3 hours. It gave us time to repair the damages.

Home ownership is definitely a love/hate situation!