Farmer B


B has been getting his hands dirty in the yard, caring for our garden.  We’ve planted several edibles this season including tomatoes (red grape, yellow pear, cherry red and regular tomatoes) sage, thyme, oregano, lemongrass, basil, mint, cayenne pepper and our most exciting….sugar snaps!  Although our grapes and stone fruit didn’t make it through the season, we’ll learn for net year!  B wants to clear out a patch in the yard to grow even more stuff.

summer kick-off


 I had to work the entire Memorial Day weekend last week, and even though we managed to get out on Memorial Day for a quick late afternoon walk around the USS Midway and Seaport Village, it didn’t feel like the long weekend that it was.
I was so excited to finally have 2 days off in a row after a 12 day stretch. B and I woke up relatively early. He started his day with a jog and I started mine by watching reruns of The Wonder Years-Kevin asked Becky Slater to go steady with him to make Winnie jealous. We then headed out to the Midway.
The Midway is an aircraft carrier that was a part of our US defense system from WWII to the Gulf War in 1991. We explored the tunnel-like maze through living quarters, war rooms and meeting areas. The highlight was the landing deck where several military planes and choppers were on display.

I was famished after climbing staircase after staircase, so we took an early dinner at Blue Water on India St. I had heard about it on the Food Network and thought we’d try the fish tacos. For 8 bucks, I enjoyed a very generous swordfish and halibut taco. The corn tortillas were from El Indio’s down the street, the veggies were fresh and best of all the fish was delicious, perfectly grilled and a very meaty portion. B was very happy that we tried them!
I stop to Home Depot and a couple of discount stores in search of materials for a indoor garden project completed our outing. We made little terrariums filled with succulents for our kitchen and my office. They turned out to be so cute! B definitely has an artistic talent!