Orange Dream Jello Shots

2018, celebrations, entertaining

So yummy especially with the whipping cream!  I would buy extra oranges in case of tearing.  I let these sit in the wells of a muffin tin to prevent tilting

  • 3 oranges, cut in half, juiced and flesh removed (optional)
    • *Note that navel oranges did not work well.  The navel end has a tough inside that is not easily removed without creating a hole!
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 3/4 cup vodka
  • 1/4 cup triple sec
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • small box of orange Jello
  1. In a 4-cup measuring cup, combine the hot water and jello. Stir to dissolve
  2. Add the vodka, triple sec and heavy cream
  3. Pour into the halved, cored oranges
  4. Let chill for several hours
  5. Slice and serve!