Strawberry Mousse (Cook’sIllustrated)

2015, entertaining, friends, Uncategorized
Strawberry MousseĀ (this recipe is from Cook’s Illustrated)
1 1/2 pounds strawberries, plus extra to garnish
1 3/4 tsp gelatin
4 oz cream cheese
1/2 c heavy cream
1/2 c sugar, divided
1 tsp lemon zest
1/2 c heavy cream and powdered sugar to taste for whipped cream topping
1. Pulse strawberries in food processor until they are about 1/4-1/2 inch pieces. Transfer to a medium bowl.
2. Add 1/4 cup sugar, pinch of salt and zest and let stand for about 45 minutes to extract the juices.
3. Strain the strawberries, collecting the juice in a small saucepan. Take out about 3TBSP of juice and mix with gelatin. Set aside as you reduce the remaining juice to about 3 TBSP.
4. Take the strawberry solids and run it though the food processor again for make a puree. Put the puree through a strainer to remove the seeds. You should have about 1 2/3 cups puree.
5. Once the juice is at the desired volume, take off the heat and stir in the gelatin till dissolved. Whisk in the cream cheese, then add the cream cheese to the strawberry puree
6. Beat 1/2 cup heavy cream with 1/4 cup sugar (sugar does not need to dissolve) till it forms soft peaks.
7. Gently fold the heavy cream into the strawberry mixture till there are no streaks.
8. Spoon into serving cups. Chill for several hours, up to 4 days ahead. Top with whipped cream topping and strawberry garnish.
9. Top with sweetened whipped cream
This made 12 little servings