Grandma Corrado’s Butterscotch Cookies


Grandma Corrado was a sweet little lady who I met before I can ever remember.  She lived next door to the kiwi field my parents owned back home.  According to Grandma, she offered to take care of me on a on hot summer day while my parents tended to business on the field so that I didn’t have to be exposed to the sun’s rays.  From the day that I met her at around age three, I called her Grandma.

Grandma lived in a little house with her husband Tony with her dog Freddie (then Freida later on).  She made porcelin dolls and decorative boxes as a hobby.  My mom’s house is filled with trinkets and dolls made made over the years including the angel that tops our Christmas tree, a white tabletop Christmas tree, a almost life-sized Easter goose, ballerinas dressed in a costume inspired by my Halloween costume and China dolls.

One thing I remember abou Grandma Corrado was her famous crunchy cookies.  She made the for every occasion and filled them round tins.  They were simple cookies-small, round and adorned with a small amount of nuts.

After Grandma moved to Washington to live with her son and then eventually passed away, I never had another cookie that was just like hers…that is until my mom revealed that she actually had the recipe!  She said that she had attempted to make them once, but they turned out hard as a rock and neverr tried to make them again.

This holiday season, we decided to try her recipe that my mom wrote out as she described the recipes.  After a little research beforehand, I found out that her recipe was for a classic icebox cookie, meant to be made ahead of time, chilled in the fridge in a log, then cut into rounds before baking.  I hope to perfect this recipe one day and make this a holiday tradition for our family.  Thank you Grandma Corrado!

Grandma Corrado’s Butterscotch Cookies
3 1/2 cups flour
2 cups brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 tsp cream of tarter
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 TBSP vanilla

Cream butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla
Combine dry ingredients in a separate bowl
Add dry ingredients to sugar mixture
Roll out into a rectangle
Add a row of walnuts in the middle long-ways
Roll the dough into a log
Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for a couple hours
Cut into 1/8th inch rounds
Bake at 350 degrees for 10min until crisp