Braised Short Ribs and Papardelle


Made this for the family when my parents were in town. Boneless ribs have less fat, but doesn’t add the gelatin that the bones provide, but I don’t really miss it. Alow plenty of time to slow cook and to cool sauce to skim the fat. I love the mushroom flavor which is intensified by browning the mushrooms separately and adding to the dish at the end.

Short Ribs:
2.5 lbs boneless short ribs
1 bottle red wine
3-4 carrots, in 1.5 inch chunks
3 shallots, sliced
1 large onion diced
3 leeks, thinly sliced
5 sprigs parley
fresh thyme
2 bay leaves
3 cloves garlic, smashed
1/2 tsp peppercorns (in cheesecloth if possible)
few cups of beef stock
0.5 lb mushrooms

Remove short ribs from fridge and season with salt and pepper. Let stand
Combine wine with all of the vegetable and seasoning except the mushrooms. Simmer until reduced to about 1 cup.

Right before browning, coat short ribs with flour. Brown in a separate pan on all sides. Add to the wine reduction. Add additional stock, salt and pepper.

Place in 350 degree over for about 3 hours, partially uncovered, till meat if fork tender. Let cool, then skim fat from top.

Using the pan used to brown the meat, sautee the mushrooms and set aside.

Prior to serving, bring sauce to a simmer and boil the papardelle. Combine pasta and sauce into pan used to brown meat and musrooms. Top with parsley and parmesan.