Sea Bass Topped with Bacon, Tomato and Breadcrumbs with Roasted Potato and Asparagus

2017, cooking, family
  • This recipe came up on a whim while using up left over ingredients from the sip and swap.  The best improvisations were broiling the potatoes last minute for a crisp exterior (along with dicing them small), and adding bread crumbs as part of the topping for the fish.

Roasted Potatoes

  • Cube potatoes into small 1/2 inch pieces.  Cook in salted boiling water till fork tender (maybe 20 minutes).
  • Drain and place onto quarter sheet pan.  Drizzle with good amount of oil and bacon drippings.  Stir to coat.
  • Place in 425 degree oven on the top rack.  During the last few minutes of cooking, broil on high till crisp.  Season to taste

Tomato and Bread Crumb Topping

  • 3 strips bacon, chopped
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 TBSP finely chopped leek or onion
  • 3 TBSP chopped parsley
  • 4 TBSP bread crumbs

Add 3 TBSP water and bacon to cold pan.  Turn the heat to medium high.  Cook bacon till crisp.  Remove bacon with slotted spoon.  Save some drippings for the fish and potatoes.

Add tomatoes and onion.  Cook until tomatoes start to soften, then add garlic, adding water to avoid burning the garlic.  Once tomatoes start to blister, add bread crumbs, parsley and cooked bacon.  Season to taste, salt probably not necessary since bacon is used..  Set aside and keep warm.

Sea Bass Preparation

  • Sear fish on medium-high heat on its best looking side in a good amount of oil to prevent sticking. The goal is to get a nicely browned flesh.  Too much oil will prevent that, too little will result in sticking.
  • Place in 350 degree oven for a few minutes till almost cooked through
  • Flip the fish over and finish on the stove


  • Cut asparagus into 1/4 inch coins and simply saute with salt, pepper and thyme


  • Place roasted potatoes and asparagus side-by-side on the bottom of the dish.
  • Top with fish and spoon tomato bacon mixture on top.