Seafood Stew (modified Ciopinno)


Using up left over fish in the freezer, I pay homage to the City By the Bay, making cioppino.  What I have hears is that ciopinno did not originate from Italy as the name may suggest.  It is a San Francisco dish created by fisherman who wanted to make use of the leftovers from their catch.  The very nature of using whatever is around lends to the variety of seafood that is in the dish.  Apparently some purist believe that a fish stew is not cioppino without the one of the Bay Area’s best catches, dungeness crab.  Therefore, I will be calling this simply a stew.

3 cloves garlic, finely minced
1 large onion, chopped
1 large can of stewed tomatoes, no salt added
1 can of chicken broth
1 c white wine
bay leaf
handful of basil
salt and pepper to taste
4 sprigs thyme
a bit of oregano
handful parsley
chili flakes
assortment of seafood (shrimp, clams, fish, calamari)

soften onion and garlic for about 10 minutes
add wine until alcohol evaporated, then add the rest of the inredients except for the seafood
simmer for about 1 hour
add seafood and serve immediately

*Cleaning Shellfish*
remove shellfiish