Chinese Steamed Egg with Garlic Oil

2017, cooking, family recipe

Silken egg

  • 3 eggs, well beaten
  • 100 mL water
  • 200 mL chicken broth
  • pinch of salt


  • Garlic oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Sugar
  • Green onion chopped

In a deep sauce pan, large enough to fit the dish (used rectangle 6 cup glass dish), boil about 2 inches of water.  Place the serving dish in the water to warm.

Combine the egg, water, chicken broth and salt in a measuring cup.  Carefully pour the egg mixture into the serving dish.

Cover with the lid.  Steam for about 6 minutes until set.  Make sure the water doesn’t splash into the eggs!

Combine a big scoop of garlic oil, about 2 tsp soy sauce and 1/2 tsp sugar.  Pour all over the top of the egg.  Sprinkle green onions over the top.  Serve immediately.